Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Glad to get this blog up and running for the Environmental Science class. I am very excited about this year, and I am impressed with students' curiosity and enthusiasm!

Just to update you all:
1. For class tomorrow (Thursday, 9/13), have your list of at least six fields of science written in your notebook.
2. Also for tomorrow (Thursday, 9/13), have your course description signed by you and a parent.
3. For Monday (9/17), read the sheet on the scientific method, and write two or three clarifying questions in your notebook about the components of the method.

That's all for now.........


kimi/ivy said...

Hey Simon,
It's Ivy and I'm sick today and last night I didn't bring how my science folder w/ the scientific method sheet so is it k if I turn that in on tues?

kimi/ivy said...

simon, is there anyway you could email the HW to me? I would really love to do it know that im no longer sick but i can't because i don't have it.