Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Background on Strawberry Creek Watershed

Hi All,

Good work continues.....to review, we have been looking at issues related to quality and quantity of water globally and locally: Drop in the Bucket, the Water Cycle, What is a watershed? Contaminated groundwater in the Central Valley, and the need to continue saving San Francisco Bay. Now, let's focus on our watershed....

Beginning in November, we will be monitoring the water quality in Strawberry Creek from the headwaters near Grizzly Peak, through Strawberry Canyon and Cal's campus, into Strawberry Creek Park, and where it flows into the Bay at the bottom of University Avenue.

For Thursday, 10/4:
Work with your small group to provide a 2 to 3 minute overview of one of the different aspects of Strawberry Creek for Thursday. Your topic is one of the following: history, water quality, biology, geology and geomorphology, or land use. I am simply asking you to summarize the information provided on the following website: strawberrycreek.berkeley.edu. Click on your topic in the left margin.

1 comment:

Greg said...

This SFGate article...


...describes an Oregon State University study that looks at samples from another point in the water cycle.

The results show some interesting things that can be learned about a community by testing just a teaspoon of waste water!