Thursday, November 15, 2007

Recapping the Week and Looking Ahead

Hey All,

I hope it has been a good week for you all. I was sorry to miss class on Monday, but it seems like the Story of Stuff was quite provocative. I also hope that the test went well for you today. We will assess how we did, as well as our preparation for the test, next Monday. The following is a list of things coming up in the next couple of weeks in science.

For Monday, 11/19: Please read the Phosphorus and Nitrogen packet. These are the last two parameters that we will be testing for in our water quality monitoring.

For Tuesday, 11/20: Please complete the Story of Stuff worksheet, and be attentive to detail in describing and explaining the item that you have chosen to focus on in #10.

Strawberry Creek Field Trips!!!!!!!
8th Grade - Tuesday, 11/27, 8:45 to 11:45
7th Grade - Wednesday, 11/28, 8:45 to 11:45

As usual, please email me with any questions. Have a great weekend!

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