Monday, February 4, 2008

Cellular Biology

Hi All,

Time to get busy in this genographic unit! As mentioned last week, before we get back to DNA and the genetics work being done in the National Geographic Genographic Project, We need to (re)view some basic cellular biology. In class, we discussed the five kingdoms of life, noting that Monera and Protista tend to be single celled, while Fungi, Animalia, and Plantae are typically multi-cellular. In class, we reviewed the scales of organization in humans from the organismic to the cellular/organelle levels. For homework, due Tuesday 2/5 or Wednesday 2/6 (depending on when you have science workshop), do the following:

1. Finishing reading the animal cell and plant cell handout, and generate whatever questions you have about the two types of cells, their organelles, and how they work.

2. Make a venn diagram with organelles found only in animal cells in the left circle, organelles found only in plant cells in the right circle, and organelles found in both types of cells in both circles (in the overlapping area).

See you in class!

1 comment:

Eli said...

Put the new homework on please!